Lenten Resources
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Faith at Home Bulletins from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles By clicking this link, you will be taken to a page on the Archdiocesan website where you will find a bulletin for each Sunday of Lent. The bulletin is based upon the readings for each Sunday and includes reflection questions and an activity for adults, as well as for children.
Loyola Press Resources—Lenten Calendars for Children
40 Crosses Lenten Calendar for Children
Whole Bunch of Values Lenten Countdown
Lenten Calendar for Families from Loyola Press
Loyola Press Resources—for everyone
Sign Up to Receive Living Lent Daily, which is an email with a daily reflection on Lent.
Loyola Press Lent Resources Page From here, you can navigate to areas that interest you, including Ash Wednesday, the Stations of the Cross, Prayers, and more. We have selected a few to share below, but see the website for many other resources.
Living for Others During Lent: Lenten Practices for Daily Life This article explains why prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are central to Lent.
So What’s Up With the Number 40?
Catholic Mom
Meatless Friday Recipes from Catholic Mom
A Mother’s Guide: 24 Easy and Practical Ideas for Living Lent
Busted Halo
Lent Decor: Beautiful. Simple. Meaningful.
Undecorating Your Home for Lent
Word on Fire
Studies Reveal Benefits of Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving
The Retrouvaille Program is for Married Couples Facing Difficult Challenges in their Relationship
- A Marriage program that helps couples restore their marriage and rebuild a loving relationship.
- A Christian marriage program, Catholic in origin, where couples of all faiths or no faith background are encouraged to attend.
- Primarily a practical program to improve communication, build stronger marriages, and help couples reconnect.
- Presenters are not trained marriage counselors, but rather couples sharing their personal stories of marital struggles and the tools they used to rediscover their love.More>
Caring.com is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones.
They have helped millions of seniors and families select the right senior care products and services for their loved ones through empathetic, expert guidance about independent living, assisted living, memory care, in-home care, skilled nursing, and other senior care services.

Serra Club – Dedicated to fostering vocations.
Serrans are Catholic lay men and women who vigorously respond to the call to promote and support vocations to the ministerial priesthood and consecrated life in the Catholic Church. More>
Deacon Bob Miller 310.386.2930
A Catholic Digest Fave Five Charity
Members of the Society of St.Vincent de Paul (or “Vincentians” ) are men and women who strive to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to individuals in need. We are young and old. Our members come in every shade of skin color. Some of us are wealthy, some are financially poor, but all of us are blessed with an awareness that our blessings (time, talent or treasure) are to be shared with our brothers and sisters in need. Learn More>
We’re a licensed medical clinic and pregnancy helpline, offering confidential, free, accurate, early pregnancy testing, options consultations, ultrasound, STD/STI testing, and other free services that will help you make the best decision for your future. At the Center you’ll find accurate medical information about abortion and other procedures, someone to talk to, compassion, and most of all, hope. More>
24 hour hotline 310.787.HELP
It’s normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion. It can form a hole in one’s heart, a hole so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness. Project Rachel. More>
3424 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90010
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles comprises three counties in the southern part of the State of California: Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. The area extends from the northern county line of Santa Barbara County, near the city of Santa Maria, to the southern county line of Los Angeles County.
It covers 8,762 square miles (22,430 square kilometers) of territory. The total Roman Catholic population, as of 2005, stands at 4,349,267 people living among a total population of 11,258,600. More>
The Foundation continues to be true our three simple goals:
Building on the current success of St. James School, we strive to provide for its financial security.
As part of ensuring the future of SJS, we recognize the need to invest annually in the school. Mindful that the school’s faculty is its primary strength, we support the school budget at a level that facilitates just compensation for faculty.
The SJS programs and projects that SJSEF funds are designed to enhance the education of all SJS students.
Stephen Ministry is the one-to-one lay caring ministry that takes place in congregations that use the Stephen Series system.
Stephen Ministry congregations equip and empower lay caregivers—called Stephen Ministers—to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting. More>
Fr. Peter Saucedo
Why is it important that we say “Yes” when we hear God calling us to a particular vocation?
When we believe in God, we want to do God’s will. To listen to what God wants and answer him is essential for our own fulfillment. It is essential to our happiness on earth and in getting us to Heaven. The decision we make to answer God’s call, wherever that call may take us, will make all the difference in life.
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