With the power to change your child’s life, you can be the vessel that will allow them to be the best version of themselves and become the holy, healthy, and vibrant person that God created your child to be.
If you wish to baptize your child at Saint James, the first step is to send an email to Deacon Bob.
At least one parent must be Catholic with the intention that your child will become a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church.
Attend and complete an Orientation Appointment, and a Pre-Baptism Instruction Class at Saint James.
Celebrating the
Sacrament of Baptism
After Jesus was raised from the dead and before he ascended to His Father, He commissioned His disciples by giving them this mission: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28: 19-20a). By the Roman Catholic faith, which we profess, we are commissioned in the same way to baptize and thus build up our Church.
In spite of the current challenges presented by COVID-19, we at St. James are continuing in the mission of Jesus in a safe and sensible way. We continue to provide a logical process to prepare parents and godparents for baptism. We invite you to contact Deacon Bob by sending him an email . He will reply to your email with next steps and will make himself available to guide you through the process.
We appreciate your commitment.
We’ll accommodate your circumstances.
Submitting your child’s birth certificate is a requirement. By submitting your child’s birth certificate, final decree of adoption (if applicable), Pre-Baptism Class Certificates for parents and godparents (if class not taken at St. James) you will help our wonderful team make it a great experience for you and your child. Note: We do not accept online baptism course certificates.
What you need to know about godparents.
If you’re a parent, you may select two godparents (one female & one male). We as a Church, only require one godparent.
Godparents must be over the age of 16, fully initiated in the Catholic Church (Baptism-Eucharist-Confirmation), and a practicing Catholic.
If a godparent cannot be present at the Baptism, the parents may choose a proxy to stand in for them. The proxy must be a baptized Christian. The proxy does not have to attend a Pre-Baptism class. Parents may not serve as their child’s godparent.
The godparents and Christian witness must attend a Pre-Baptism class. They may attend a class offered at a parish near their home, but no online classes.
If they do, they may submit a certificate of attendance to the Parish Office.
Baptism Class
Regarding the required Baptism preparation class, please send an email to Deacon Bob.
Are you already baptized and have a desire to deepen your faith? Learn more >
Are you interested in becoming a member of our family? Learn more >